Our Benefits


Our history & awards for leading in security area

To ensure the safety of our clients and their assets by

  • providing tailored and reliable security and safety solutions
  • constantly innovating to ensure we are always delivering the most cutting edge solutions.

To be the trusted leader in the provision of security and safety solutions in Ghana and the sub region giving our clients the confidence to go about their business and our employees with an inspiring environment that enables growth and excellence.

  • Excellence Service delivery and quality of products and cutting edge technology
  • Innovation: Innovative in our approach to solving problems.
  • Trust
Services overview

We offer fast, professional and exceptional services

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut tristique pretium tellus, sed fermentum est vestibulum id. Aenean semper, odio sed fringilla blandit, nisl nulla placerat mauris, sit amet commodo mi turpis.
Fire Systems

Our Fire alarm systems come with visual and audible alarms as standard with the option to include SMS and email alerts.

Video Surveillance

We use a combination of video cameras, storage devices and innovative accessories, to provide surveillance solutions that are suitable for wide range of premises. (Indoor, Outdoor and Perimeter Surveillance).

Access Control

Sentinel SRE Ltd offers intelligent door locking, biometric and RFID card access and Intercom solutions that serves the most peculiar of needs.

Intrusion Systems

Sentinel SRE Ltd provides intruder alarm solutions that can be employed in various forms; wireless and wired solutions or combinations of both. Our solutions allow for remote access to alarms on some models.

IT Supplies

Sometimes our clients have their own installation teams or perhaps they want to acquire spare parts for their existing solutions.

Our Team

Michael Lee

Owner, Manager

Peter Watson

Security Technician

Will Jones


James Parker

Safe Technician